Monday, 25 May 2015

Quilting Update

I've been quilting away on my sister's quilt and it's going pretty well. The quilt is heavy so sometimes difficult to get under the needle of my small domestic machine - I'm managing and taking frequent breaks.
The quilt top seems really "loose" on the quilt and I think that's because I used safety pins to baste rather than spray and the quilt has been handled a lot to manage the sheer size and weight. It's also stitched in the ditch which I think is making it look a little wrinkly. When I'm finished quilting I'll give it a good starch and press and hope for the best.
My machine is starting to act up so I'm really hoping it will hold out until I'm finished - then it will need a good service.
The front and back to date:

and I think I figured out my border problem - when I remeasured today I was smaller than when I originally measured.